Each nonprofit institution has particular strengths, needs and aspirations. Working through KLB & Co., Karie works in an integrated, responsive way with clients to adapt and refine her services according to your situation.
Effective Institutions
Leadership Development. Provide tailored executive coaching to assist individual leaders and teams to address identified issues and maximize their potential. Provide capacity-building and training to executive directors and senior leadership teams as well as boards of directors and board committees.
Transition Facilitation and Change Management. Assist your organization through times of change through executive searches, acting as an interim director, or facilitating board and staff dialogue and planning to maximize benefits and minimize inherent difficulties of organizational transitions.
Strategic Planning. Work with your organization’s staff and/or board to develop annual and long-term plans to clarify and meet strategic goals and build a flexible and durable institutional structure.
Communication/Team Building. Clarify roles and responsibilities of key players; design internal communication tools and protocols for your board, staff, and constituents; provide training and tools to enhance productivity and engagement.
Systems/Structures. Design or adapt systems and structures to carry out your work effectively and efficiently; this can include work flow systems, program management and design, staff and team job descriptions and evaluation protocols, and board and committee design and development.
Strategic Programs
Mission and Goals. Work with your organization to clarify your vision, mission and goals to clarify the “why” of your work and your particular contribution to social change.
Programmatic Approach. Working within your strategic frame, and based on an understanding of your chosen field and context (which may require a field scan), identify your particular programmatic niche and how to best carry out your programmatic purpose.
Learning and Growth. Help foster a learning mindset in your organization. Develop a streamlined and informative way of collecting and using relevant data to enhance your ongoing learning and program development.